Let's make a bedroom suitable for a healthy life.

Let's make a bedroom suitable for a healthy life.

 (I use Google Translate because my knowledge of English is very limited. Point out any errors. Thank you.)

    You know that the environment in which we live has a great impact on our health. So the room we use to sleep every day also has a big impact on health. The purpose of this article is to make you aware of some of the things we do not think about this room. By understanding these factors correctly, you can maintain a high level of physical as well as mental health.

1. Bedrooms should face east. - This is an architectural matter. Architecturally, bedrooms should be located on the east side of the house, but many people do not know the exact scientific explanation for it, so it has become obsolete. Vitamin D is involved in the processes of our body. Although this vitamin D is absorbed by our body from food, scientists say that it contains vitamin D very well in the morning sun. Therefore, it is essential that the morning sunlight falls on our body. Long-term vitamin D deficiency can also lead to calcium deficiency. So arrange your bedroom on the east side of the house to get the Vitamin D we get from the sun for free.

    There are two major benefits to using east facing bedrooms. Sunlight in the morning can kill germs. So it will be important to use the east side to destroy the germs in your bedroom naturally. Its other significance is that the bedroom on the east side receives sunlight in the morning but not in the evening. Then when you come to the room to sleep your bed and room will be cool again. If your bedroom is located on the west side, you will have to sleep in a bed heated by the evening sun.

2. Do not use natural plants for bedroom decoration. - Normally plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. At night, however, plants absorb oxygen instead of carbon dioxide. Therefore, using natural plants to decorate your bedroom can deprive your body of the amount of oxygen it needs. You will not even get a good night's sleep in an oxygen deficient environment. Also, small pollen or particles emitted by plants such as ferns can cause new illnesses such as asthma.

3. Keep the bedroom simple. - Do not keep a large amount of furniture or unnecessary books in the bedroom. Keeping the bedroom simple is a great exercise for our minds. If the bedroom is cluttered, we go to bed and wake up every day with a confused mind. Then the day will not be spent with mental freedom. If the space in your home is limited, you may have to use the bedroom for some work. In such cases you can use something like a cupboard that can pack all those things.

4. Use your favorite color for the bedroom walls. - The bedroom should always be a place where we feel free. Frequent eye contact with walls of a color you do not like makes your mind very tired. You can also choose a darker color for brighter rooms and a lighter color for darker rooms. Also, do not use sleep-depriving colors in bedrooms. Take blue, for example, because it interferes with most people's sleep. Be careful about that too.

5. Do not use light bulbs that are too bright. - You come to the bedroom to sleep. But using bulbs in a room with too much light unnecessarily prevents you from falling asleep. Using a small watt bulb suitable for the bedroom will also be beneficial for your purse. Also, using a yellow light bulb (light in filament bulbs) will speed up sleep.

6. Keep the bedroom clean. - Your bedroom should be the cleanest place in the house. Dirt can accumulate dust and cause you unwanted illness. Also never eat in the bedroom. If small pieces of food are left in your bed or room, animals like cockroaches and rats will get used to coming into your room.

    Try these little things yourself. You will definitely get a good night's sleep. If you have had similar experiences or you would like to add something to this, please comment below. Thank you.


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